Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sri Skandhashatkam – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as the son of Lord Shiva, he have attractive six faces, he is the dearest son of Goddess Sri Parvathi, he crushed the pride of Mount Krauncha, he is Devasenapathi/consort of Goddess Devasana, I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as the son of Lord Shiva, he is the destroyer of demon Tharakasura, he is mounted on celestial vehicle peacock,  he is wielded in powerful weapon Shakthi/spear, I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as the son of Lord Shiva, he is beloved of Vishveshvara/Lord of the Universe/Lord Shiva, he is initiated from the eyes of Lord Shiva, he is enthralling and charming, he is the provider of boons to worshiper, I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as the son of Lord Shiva, he is youthful and always surrounded by illustrious Rishis and Sages, he is not perceivable through senses, he is dearest darling of Goddess Sri Valli, he represents Jagathyoni, I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as the son of Lord Shiva, he undertakes the function of Pralaya/delusion at the end of Kalpa as well as preservation of the Universe and its living beings, he is primordial, he is the source of Universe and its living beings, he is beloved of his passionate devotees, he is highly enthusiastic, I shall meditate upon Lord Skandha who is divine personified as son of Lord Shiva, he is born under the constellation Vishakha, he is the Lord of living beings, he is the son of Krithika, he has most beautiful form of child and has attractive matted hair locks.  These are highly propitious verses of Skandhashatkam whoever recites or listens to it would get their desires fulfilled, ultimately resides in the abode of Lord Skandha.

 Shamukham Parvathi Puthram Karaunchashaila Vivardhanam | Devasenapathim Devam Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Tharakasura Hantharam Mayoorasana Samsthitham | Shakthyanincha Devesham Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Vishveshvarapriyam Devam Vishvesharathanubhavam | Kamukam Kamadham Kantham Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Kumaram Munishardhoola Manasantharagocharam | Vallikantham Jagathyonim  Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Pralayasthithikartharam Adi Kartharam Eshvaram | Bhakthapriyam Madhonmaththam  Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Vishakham Sarvabhoothanam  Saminam Krithikasutham | Sadha Balam Jadadharam Skandham Vandhe Shivathmajam ||

Skandha Shatkam Idham Sthothram Idham Ya Padeth Shrunusthadha | Vanchitham Labathe Sathyam Anthe Skandhapuram Vrajeth ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||