Friday 5 May 2017

Sri Chandhrashekhara Saraswathi Sahasranama Sthothram/Sri Paramacharya Sahasranama Sthothram – Lyrics and meanings – 72 – 81

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before Jagadhguru Sri Chandhrashekhara who is noble soul/, he undertakes strict austerities and penances/magnanimous, exceedingly wise,  he is independent/uncontrolled, he is aware of past, present, and future/omniscient, he always works for the welfare of all, he eradicates all kinds of perils and fears of the worshiper, he embellishes the magnificent throne of Kamakoti Mahapeeda, he always immerses in the meditation of lotus feet of Jagadhguru Sri Shankaracharya,  many of his deeds are beyond human intellect, he is inscrutable spirit, he always engages in the recitation of glories of Lord Shiva, he eradicates severe sins of his worshiper, he is pure, he is supreme soul, he is store house of virtues, he is majestic, he merrily explores through the mountains and rough lands on earth to visit various sacred shrines, he is very swift in his movements, he has the speed of thought, he is easily attainable for virtuous and righteous people, he is omnipresent, he is fond of wearing garlands of Rudraksha, he spend sleepless nights exploring in the darkness, he is great adviser/instructor to his worshiper, he is divine personified as Bhikshu/mendicant, he is greatest cure for all physical and mental afflictions, he is unblemished, he is propitious and provider of abundance of boons to his worshiper, he is wisest with various attributes, he is fond of devotees of Rudra, he symbolizes Lord Shiva who is too compassionate and provide various boons to his worshiper, he is Jagadhguru/preceptor to the Universe, he symbolizes supreme wisdom and knowledge, he is pure, he provides refined knowledge and sense of renunciation to his worshiper, he fulfils all the desires of his worshiper, he is imperishable, he is serene and he is the source of happiness to the Universe, therefore there is no philosophies superior  to Preceptor, and there is no disciplines or  austerities or penances superior to Preceptor, he symbolizes Veda, Vedantha, Shasthra and philosophies, hence I shall always prostrate before him.  He symbolizes virtuous conduct and he inspires his worshiper to follow the same, he firmly stick to his promises, he is most excellent who strictly follows disciplines, he eradicates Thamasic/lethargy, sluggishness nature in his worshiper, he symbolizes auspiciousness and forbearance, he is the provider of well being to his worshiper, he is submissive, he is always accompanied by pious and righteous people, he is glorious, he is not attainable for the wicked people, he is profound in all Shasthras, he is fond of anointed in sacred ashes, he symbolizes righteousness, he is unparalleled/matchless, he symbolizes supreme bliss/prosperous, compassionate, he is devoid of impurities, he eradicates all kinds of sins and evil effects of Kali era, he is supreme ascetic, he is supreme spirit who immerses in deep meditation, he is unblemished, he is worshiped by pious people, he is easily attainable to the virtuous and righteous people, he follows strict religious vows and austerities.

Mahathman Mahathapasvin Ghorathapasvin Svathanthra: |Sarvajja Sarvahithathman Sarvabhaya Vidhvamsin ||

Kamakoti Mahapeeda Alankrithaya Sri Shankara Padambhoja Chinthanaya | Achinthyakarman Aprameyathman  Shivanama Parayanapriya:  ||

Mahapapahartha Pavithram Paramam Param |Gunakara: Girichara Kshethrachara Gambheera ||

Mahavega Manovega  Sulabham Sarvavasi Rudrakshapriya: |Nishachari Upadheshakara: Bhikshuroopa: Mahaushadhi: ||

Shuddhathma Bahuprasadha: Vidhvaththa Gunashreshta: |Rudrabhakthapriya Varadham Shivaroopam Jagadhgurum ||

Gnanamoorthim Vimalam  Gnanavairagya Dhayinam  |Sarvarthdhayin Shashvatham  Shantham Jagadhanandhakarakam  ||

Na Gurureadhikam Thathvam  Na Gurureadhikam Thapa: |Sakala Vedavedantha Shasthra Svaroopam Thasami Sri Guruve Nama: ||

Sadhachara Dhridaprathijja Shuchisaththama  Thamohara |Shubaga Kshamakshethra Svasthikrith Vijithathmana: ||

Sagana Sukeerthi Dhurllabha Sarvashathra Visharadha: |Bhasmapriya  Dharmapunja Dhurasadha Sadhashiva ||

Akalmasha Kalmashanashana: Nivirththathman Adhyathma Yognilaya: |Shuddhavigraha: Sadhuvrindharavandhitha: Sulabha: Suvratha: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||