Monday 24 April 2017

Sri Kalika Sahasranama Sthothram by Mahakalabhairava – Lyrics and meanings 141 - 150

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Goddess Kalika who is adorned in garlands / Lingamala and Bhagamala, she symbolizes nectar like Bhagalinga, she gets immensely pleased with the worship of Bhagalinga, she is embodied as Bhagalinga, she  immensely pleased to embodied as Bhagalinga, she is fond of self manifested flowers and she is venerated with it, she represents  self manifested flowers and she is the source of it, she is offered with self manifested flowers, she is related to self manifested flowers, she is decked in marvelous self manifested flowers, she is decked in garlands of self manifested flowers, she is pleased with the self manifested flowers, she delightfully seizes the self manifested flowers, she symbolizes Pushpayajja/sacrificial ceremony using flowers with the self manifested flowers, she is decked in garlands of self manifested flowers, she represents heap of self manifested flowers and she is fond of them, she is highly enthusiastic and desirous like the self manifested flowers, she takes immense pleasure in the self manifested flowers, she has resplendent limbs, she represents the stream of self manifested flowers, she represents cluster of self manifested flowers and she resides in them, she is the cause for the self manifested flowers, she is decorated in self manifested flowers, she has the texture of self manifested flowers and she has the luster of self manifested flowers, she has the majestic appearance of self manifested flowers.

Lingamalakarabhoosha  Bhagamala Vibhooshana | Bhagalingamritha Vriththa  Bhagalingamrithathmika ||

Bhagalingarchanapreetha  Bhagalingaswaroopini | Bhagalingaswaroopa  Cha Bhagalingasukhavaha ||

Swayambhu Kusumapreetha  Swayambhu Kusumarchitha |Swayambhu Kusumaprana  Swayambhu Kusumothyatha ||

Swayambhu Kusumasthratha Swayambhu Pushpatharpitha | Swayambhu Pusupaghaditha  Swayambhu Pushpadharini ||

Swayambhu Pushpathilaka  Swayambhu Pushpacharchitha |Swayambhu Pushpaniratha Swayambhu Kusumagraha ||

Swayambhu Pushpayajjasha  Swayambhu Kusumamalika |Swayambhu Pushpanichitha  Swayambhu Kusumapriya ||

Swayambhu Kusumanandhalahari  Lalasonmaththa  Manasa | Swyambhu Kusumadhana  Snigdha Dhehini 

Swayambhu Kusumadhara  Swayambhu Kusumakula | Swayambhu Pushpanilaya  Swayambhu Pushpavasini ||

Swayambhu Kusumasnigdha  Swayambhu Kusumathmika | Swayambhu Pushpakarini  Swayambhu Pushpamalika ||

Swayambhu Kusumanyasa Swayambhu Kusumaprabha | Swayambhu Kusumagnana  Swayambhu Pushpabhogini||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||