Saturday 19 November 2016

Sri Gopala Sahasranama Sthothram – Sri Narada Pancharathram - Lyrics and meanings 121 – 130

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Mahadeva continues “ Supreme Lord Hari who is personified as Little Krishna represents Manu/father of human race and sacred hymns, he symbolizes sacred hymns, he is the purifier of souls, he is the provider of wealth and prosperity, he is the bear of Earth, he embodied as Earth, he is unfaltering, he is Yogeendhra who is profound in the Yogic practices, his lotus feet represents period of  Kalpa, he is impenetrable, he is inexplicable, he is eternal bliss, he is worshiped by Pandavas, he destroyed Shishupala and Dhanthavakthra, he is primordial, he is Adipurusha, he belongs to Gothra and remains unharmed from Gothra, he has colossal stature, he destroys all kinds of perils, he destroys miseries, he annihilates the clan of Dhaithyas, he is perpetual, he has fair complexion, he destroyed the clan of Nikumbha, he has supreme brilliance of Adithya, he is wielded on weapons and bow, he is firm, he is an skilled archer, he has no birth, he does not belong to any caste or Gothra, he eradicated colossal wood fire, he destroyed numerous  demons and  Baka, he is sincerely venerated by Prahladha, he fulfils all the desires of his worshiper, he destroys the clan of Dhanavas, he extracted milk from Surabhi, he steals butter milk from the house of cowherds, he is Shauri, he destroys miseries and sorrows, he is easily attainable to virtuous people, he is omniscient, he is supreme Bhramam, he is the destroyer of numerous demons and Kaitabha, he killed Kamsa, he destroys all kinds of afflictions, he has powerful two arms, he is six armed, he has Mathali as charioteer/ Sarathi, he is the Lord of Adishesha, he witnesses deluge at the end of Kalpa, he is eminent, he is embodied as Earth, he has flawless conduct, he represents Chathurmoorthi, he took the form of tortoise, he represents the four Veda and six Vedanga,  he represents Chathurathma/Bhrama, Vishnu, Rudra and Janardhana, he  provides Chathurvarga such as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, he crushed the pride of Manmatha, he is perpetual, he has possessed amazing limbs, he is the Lord of  consort of Shachi/Lord Indhra, he is the commander of Lord Indhra, he is the provider of Moksha, he symbolizes supreme preceptor.”

Manumanthro Manthrapathir Dhatha  Dhamavivarjitha: |Dharapradho Dhruthiguno Yogeendhra: Kalpapadhapa: ||

Achinthya Athishayanandharoopi Pandavapoojitha: | Shishupala Pranahari Dhanthavakthra Nishoodhana: ||

Anadhir Adipurusho Gothri  Gathra Vivarjitha: | Sarvapath Tharako Dhurgo Dhushta Dhaitha  Kulanthaka: ||

Niranthara: Shuchimukho Nikumbha Kuladheepana: | Bhanur Hanur Dhanu: Sthanu: Krishanu : Krithanur Dhanu: ||

 Anur  Janmadhirahitho Jathi Gothra Vivarjitha: | Dhavanala Nihantha  Cha  Dhanujarir Bakapaha: ||

Prahaladhabaktho Bhaktheshta  Dhatha Dhanava Gothraha| Surabhir Dhugdhapo Dhugdhahari Shauri: Shucham Hari: ||

Yadheshtadho Athisulabha: Sarvajja: Sarvathonmukha: | Dhaithyari: Kaidabarishcha Kamsari: Sarvathapana: ||

Dhvibhuja: Shadbhujo Hyantharbhujo Mathali Saradhi: | Shesha: Sheshadhinathascha  Sheshi Sheshanthavigraha: ||

Kethur Dharithri  Charithrascha  Chathurmoorthischa Chathurgathi: | Chathurdha  Chathurathma Cha Chathurvarga  Pradhayaka : ||

Kandharppa Dharpahari Cha Nithya:  Sarvangasundara: | Shachipathi Pathir Netha  Dhatha Moksha Gurur Dhvija: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||