Wednesday 30 November 2016

Sri Ganga Sahasranama Sthothram - Bhrihad Dharmapurana – Lyrics and meanings 91 - 100

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Shuka continues “ supreme Goddess Ganga is desirable and  invisible as well, she is Kuveri/female force of Kuvera, she is flickering nature, she symbolizes wealth, she is embodied as Earth, she is the supporter of Earth, she is Eshwari, she is bashful, she symbolizes amorous sport, she entices the Universe with passionate sport, she is the provider of triumph in endeavors, she is lively, she is embodied as sacred water, she dwells as Prana in the living beings, she is the provider of success, she symbolizes victory, she destroys all kinds of perils of her worshiper, she wipe out all the sins of the worshiper, she is Savithri and Gayathri as well, she is the Goddess of Gana, she  is worshipped by Ganas, she is not attainable for the wicked people, she eradicates misfortune, she is supreme Yogi, she eradicates sorrows and grief of her worshiper, she is irrepressible and resembles to Yamadevatha, she is supreme Goddess dwells in homes, she is Bhumidevi, she dwells in woods as Vaneshi, she is Vaneshi who is Goddess of woods, she dwells in caves, she has fierce form with terrible features,  she has attractive waist line, she is attractive woman with the luster of lightning, she is Charumukhi who is supremely gorgeous, she has beautiful eyes/Charunethra, she dwells as soul in the rhythm, she represents epitome of beauty superior with love, she is unharmed by Thrigunas and she represents the Thrigunas Rajas, Sathva and Thamo, she is Kalarathri/night at the end of Yuga when the deluge takes place and Maharathri /night when the complete destruction of the Universe takes place, she dwells as Prana in living beings, she is personified as Lakshmi and Saraswathi as well, she consumes the happiness and sorrows, she is devoid of happiness or  sorrows, she ward off darkness of ignorance in her worshiper, she carries Hala and destroys wicked people, she is Varuni, she eradicates the sins of her worshiper, she represents Nidhrayoga/sleep, Mahanidhra/death, and Yoganidhra/cosmic sleep, she is Yugeshwari who symbolizes Yugas, she elevates the souls from  repeated births, she is Swarganga who dwells in celestial abode, she descended down to Earth from  the abode of celestials in order to elevate the souls from the ocean of Samsara, she is beautifully streaming through sacred lands, she has descended down to Earth for the sole purpose of elevate the souls from the world of Samsara, she is Shankini who is wielded in conch, she causes the reverberating sound of divine Conch, she is Shankeshvari who carries Conch in her hand, she provided various boon to Shankaraja.”

Vith Samvith Ku:  Kuveri Bhur Bhoothir  Bhoomir  Dharadhara | Eshwari Hreemathi Kreeda  Kreedasaya Jayapradha ||

Jeevanthi Jeevani Jeeva  Jayakara  Jayeshwari | Savopadhrava  Samshoonya Sarvapapa Vivarjjitha ||

Savithri Chaiva Gayathri Ganeshi Ganavandhitha | Dhushpreksha  Dhushpravesha  Cha Dhurdhasha  Cha Suyogini ||

Dhukkahanthri Dhukkahara  Dhurdhantha Yamadevatha | Gruhadevi Bhoomidevi  Vaneshi  Vanadevatha ||

Guhalaya Ghoraroopa  Mahaghora  Nithambini | Sthri Chanchala  Charumukhi Charunethra  Layathmika ||

Kanthikamya  Nirguna  Cha Raja: Saththva  Thamomayi | Kalarathrir Maharathrir  Jeevaroopa  Sanathani ||

Suga Dhukkadhi Bhokthri Cha Suga  Dhukkathi Varjjitha | Mahavyajina  Samhara  Vyajina Dhvanthamochini ||

Halini Ghalahanthri Cha Varuni Papaharini | Nidhrayogya  Mahanidhra  Yoganidhra  Yugeshwari ||

Uddharayithri Swarganga  Uddharana Pura: Sthitha | Uddhrutha  Uddhruthahara  Lokoddharana Karini ||

Shankhini Shankhadhari  Cha Shankhavadhana Karini | Shankheshwari  Shankhahastha  Shankharaja Vidharini ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||