Tuesday 29 November 2016

Sri Ganga Sahasranama Sthothram - Bhrihad Dharmapurana – Lyrics and meanings 51 - 60

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Shuka continues “ supreme Goddess Ganga resembles female swan, she has Hamsa as her celestial vehicle and she is decked in various precious ornaments, she represents supreme preceptor, she has the luster of precious yellow metal, she has the loveliness of female swan and she  is mounted on her celestial vehicle Hamsa, she represents  Hamsakshra, she represents sacred hymns of Dhvayakshara/twofold nature, her sacred waters resembles to eternal bliss, her sacred waters are originated from glaciers that has rich medicinal values, she is easily attainable and she is the provider of liberation from the repeated births after considering the merit of the souls, her sacred waters has supreme brilliance, she illuminates the surroundings with her luster, she has the luster of sixteenth part of the moon, she represents Pranayama/practice of slow flow of life energy, she dwells as Prana in living beings, she represents Mahaushadhi/ water consists of superior medicinal values, her sacred waters contains high medicinal properties which cures  all the sins and illnesses, and  she is  attainable  for the virtuous souls and renounced souls after severe penances of millions of births, she is sinless who eradicates uncertainties, ill fame and all kinds of perils and sorrows, she is mounted on the lifeless body, she graciously dwells on the funeral grounds, she dwells in the funeral grounds and seated  close to the funeral pyre, she is Bhairavi who is worshiped by the prominent people who strictly follow the beliefs of Bhairava, she is beloved of Bhairava, she represents the soul of Bhairava, she symbolizes valor and greatest achievements, she is beloved of valorous people, she is the consort of Veera, she is born in illustrious clan and she is a great philosopher, she dwells as trunk of the illustrious clan, she is noble descend down to Earth, she is charming young maiden from illustrious clan, she has assumed the form of sacred water and descended down to Earth from the illustrious clan at her own will, she has descended down to Earth from an illustrious clan, she is highly respectable who undertakes supreme meditation, she provides birth in superior clan to her worshiper, she protects the illustrious clan, she was born in the illustrious clan and assumed the form of sacred waters, she represents immense bliss, she symbolizes the field of battle, and she represents delight, she symbolizes great enthusiasm in the battle field, she accepts the propitiatory oblation from the fire sacrifices.”

Hamsi Hamsavibhoosha  Cha Hamsaraja Vibhooshana | Hamsaraja Suvarnna Cha  Hamsarooda Cha  Hamsini ||

Hamsaksharaswaroopa Cha  Dhvayakshara Manthraroopini | Anandhajala Sampoornna  Shvethavari Prapoorika ||

Anayasa  Sadhamukthir Yogya  Yogya Vicharini | Thejoroopa Jalapoornna  Thaijasi  Dheepthiroopini ||

 Pradeepa  Kalikakara  Pranayama  Swaroopini | Pranadha  Prananeeya  Cha Mahaushadhi Swaroopini ||

Mahaushadhajala Chaiva Paparoga Chikithsika  | Kodijanma Thapolakshya Prana  Thyagoththaramritha ||

Ni: Ssandheha  Nirmahima  Nirmala Malanashini |Shavarooda  Shavasthanavasini Shavaththadi ||

Shmashanavasini  Keshakikasachitha  Theerani | Bhairavi Bhairavashreshta  Sevitha Bhairavapriya ||

Bhairavapranaroopa  Cha Veerasadhana Vasini | Veerapriya Veerapathni Kuleena  Kulapanditha ||

Kulavrikshasthitha Kauli Kulakomala  Vasini | Kuladhravapriya Kulya  Kulyamala Japapriya ||

Kauladha  Kularakshithri  Kulavari  Swaroopini | Ranashri: Ranabhoo: Ramya  Ranosthsaha Priya Bali: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||