Thursday 6 October 2016

Sri Saraswathi Sthothram by Sage Agasthya – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is decked in garlands made of Kundha flowers that spreads intense luster, she is attired in flawless garments, she carries the divine music instrument Veena in her hand, she is seated on the white lotus flower, she is worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Lord Achyutha, Lord Shankara, and deities, I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi, kindly remove ignorance in us.  I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Saraswathi who has four hands, she carries crystal beads, parrot, sacred scriptures in her hands, she has the luster of  Kundha flowers and crystal, she is pleasing I shall earnestly pray to Goddess Sri Saraswathi / Vagdevi who is the provider of clarity in words and speech to bless us with her eternal presence on our face.   Her lotus feet is worshiped by Suras and Asuras, she carries sacred Veda and scriptures in her hands, she is the consort of Lord Bhrama/Virinchipathni, she dwells in the lotus flower, I shall earnestly pray to Goddess Sri Saraswathi to dance in our words.  I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Saraswathi who has the luster of pollen of lotus flowers, she undertakes severe austerities, she dwells in the lotus flower, she has large high raised bosom, her eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower, she dwells in the hearts of Yogis, I shall earnestly pray to Goddess Sri Saraswathi to bless us with various boons.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is the provider of various boons to her devotees, she entice the whole Universe with her loveliness; kindly enlighten us with supreme wisdom and success in all endeavors,  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is worshiped by all female deities, she is the symbol of peace and Yoga, she is decked in crescent moon on her beautiful hair locks, I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi, who is eternal bliss, she is primordial, she is unblemished, she is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge, she has wide beautiful eyes, and she is the symbol of supreme intellect.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who has the luster of crystal, she has miniscule form, she is the symbol of sounds/ Shabdha Bhrami/consort of Lord Bhrama, she has four hands, and she is the provider of various supernatural powers to her devotees.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is decorated in various pearl ornaments, she dwells in the divine chakra located in Mooladhara, she represents and worshiped with the Moolamanthra, she represents Moolashakthi as well.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who lures the mind of her devotees, she is Mahayogi who undertakes severe austerities, she is the provider of clarity in words and speech, she is Vani, and she is the provider of boons to her devotees.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is the symbol of Veda, she is eulogized by Vedas, she remains untouched by Gunadhosha, she has supreme luster.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is the symbol of supreme knowledge and wisdom, she is omnipresent, and she is flawless.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is the symbol of Yoga, she is Rama, she takes immense pleasure in Yoga, she is divine and she has three eyes.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is decked in crescent moon on her beautiful hair locks, she has the luster of full moon, and she represents moon and sun.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who has miniscule as well as colossal forms, she represents Universe, she has various supernatural powers, she is the symbol of permanent bliss,   I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is the symbol of knowledge and wisdom, she represents various Shasthras and she has various forms.  I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who represents Padma/lotus flower, she is born in the clan of Padma/Padmavamshe, she resembles to lotus flower/Padmaroopa, she is beyond description, she is not perceivable through eyes, words, mind or intellect, and she is the destroyer of all kinds of sins of her devotees.    I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Saraswathi who is Mahadevi/supreme Goddess, she is Mahakali/fierce form, and she is Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi as well, she is worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, she is the female force of Lord Bhrama/Bhramanari.  I shall prostrate before goddess Sri Saraswathi who has the luster of lotus flower, she entices the whole Universe, she is the darling of Kapali, and she is devoted to her work.

Whoever reads or listens to the sacred verses in the hours of early dawn and dusk for six months would be blessed with various supernatural powers, these are the sacred verses composed by Sage Agasthya, which is capable to provide all supernatural powers, it removes the fear of wild animals, and it destroys all the sins of the worshiper.

Ya Kundhendhuhara Dharadhavala | Yashubhra Vasthravritha |
Ya Veena Varadhanda Mandithakara | Ya Shvetha Padmasana |
Ya Bhrama Achyutha Shankara Prabhrithibhi: | Devai Sadha Poojitha |
Sa Mam Pathu Saraswathi Bhagavathi | Nisshesha Jadyapaha ||

Dhobhiryuktha Chathurbhi: Spadika Manimayim | Akshamalam Dhadhana |
Hasthenaikena Padmam Sithamapi Cha Shukam | Pusthakam Chaparena |
Bhasa Kudhendhu Shankha Spadika Maninibha | Bhasamana Samana |
Sa Me Vagdevatheyam Nivasathu Vadhane | Sarvadha Suprasanna ||

Sura Asura Sevitha Padhapankaja | Kare virajath Kanameeya Pusthaka |
Virinichi Pathni Kamalasanasthitha | Saraswathi Nruthyathu Vachi Me Sadha ||

Saraswathi Sarasija Kesara Prabha | Thapasvini Sitha Kamalasana Priya |
Ghanasthani Kamala Vilola Lochana | Manasvini Bhavathu Varaprasadhini ||

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam Varade Kamaroopini | Vidhyarambam Karishyami Siddhir Bhavathu Me Sadha ||

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam Sarvadevi Namo Nama: | Shantharoope Shashidhare Sarvayoge Namo Nama: ||

Nithyanandhe Niradhare Nishkalayai Namo Nama: | Vidhyadhare Vishalakshi Shuddha Gnane Namo Nama: ||

Shuddha Spadika Roopayai Sookshmaroope Namo Nama: | Shabdha Bhrami Chathurhasthe Sarva Siddhyai Namo Nama: ||

Mukthalankritha Sarvangyai Mooladhare Namo Nama: | Moola Manthra Swaroopayai Moolashakthyai Namo Nama: ||

Manomayi Mahayogai Vageeshwari Namo Nama: | Vanyai Varadha Hasthayai Varadhayai Namo Nama: ||

Vedyayai Vedaroopayai Veda Vedhyai Namo Nama: | Gunadhosha Vivarjinyai   Guna Dheepthyai Namo Nama: ||

Sarvagnane Sadhanandhe Sarvaroope Namo Nama: | Sarvajjayai Sadhanandha Sampannayai Namo Nama: ||

Yogaroope Ramadevyai Yoganandhe Namo Nama: | Dhivyajjyayai Threnethrayai Dhivya Moorthyai Namo Nama: ||

Arddha Chandhradhare Devi Chandraroope Namo Nama: |
Chandhradhithya Same Devi Chandhra Bhooshe Namo Nama: ||

Anuroope Maharoope Vishwaroope Namo Nama: | Animadhyashta Siddhayai Anandhayai Namo Nama: ||

Gnana Vijjana Roopayai Gnanamoorthe Namo Nama: | Nana Shasthra Swaroopayai Nanaroope Namo Nama: ||

Padme Padmavamshe Cha Padmaroope Namo Nama: | Parameshtyai Paramoorthyai Namasthe Papanashini ||

Mahadevyai Mahakalyai Mahalakshmyai Namo Nama: | Bhrama Vishnu Shivakhyayai Bhramanaryai Namo Nama: ||

Kamalakara Gehayai Kamaroope Namo Nama: | Kapali Prana Nathayai Karmadayai Namo Nama: ||

Sayam Pratha: Padernithyam Shanmasa Siddhimapnuyath | Ghora Vyaghra Bhayam Nasthi Padatham Shrunvatham Api ||

Iththam Saraswathi Sthothram Agasthyamuni Vachakam | Sarvasiddhikaram Nrunam Sarvapapa Pranashanam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||