Monday 28 September 2015

Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings – 91 – 100

||Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who carries the burden of Earth, he absorbs the Universe and its living beings at the end of Yuga, he is supreme Yogi, he is the Lord of Yogis, he performs all the functions of the Universe,  he is safest heaven to worshiper, he is supreme ascetic, he symbolizes colossal fire, night, and  Vayu, he is wielded in powerful bow and arrow, he symbolizes science of archery and hes profound in it, he punishes and causes afflictions on the wicked, he is unconquerable, he is promising and benevolent, he is the commander of Universe and its living beings, he eradicates immoral conduct, he is powerful,  he symbolizes Sathvik nature,  he is absolute truth, he symbolizes truth and righteousness, he is worshiped by pious, he has incarnated with specific purpose, he is most venerable, he always work for the welfare of Universe and its living beings, he augments happiness and contentment, he is too compassionate, he represents science of astrology, he is charming, he accepts oblation from fire sacrifices, he has various incarnations, he represents Ravi, Virochana/moon, fire,  Surya, Savithre/sun, he has Lord Surya as eye, he is eternal, he causes deluge at the end of Yuga, he is the provider of happiness and welfare, he represents manifold, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond description, he is the commander of Universe, he is mysterious, he is primeval, he is Kapila, he symbolizes sun, he augments happiness and welfare, he symbolizes auspiciousness, he is the provider of victory, happiness and welfare, he is clever and courteous, he is serene, he is adorned in magnificent earrings, and  disc,  he is  extremely valorous, he rule over the powerful, he represents sound, he is the source of sound, he represents seasons, twilight, night, he is beloved of Akroora, he is clever and wise, he is forbearing, he is scholarly, and fearless, he is eulogized by sacred chants, he is the ultimate shelter place, he guides us to cross the ocean of worldly existence, he eradicate wickedness, he symbolizes piousness, he eradicates nightmares, and powerful wicked demons, he is the protector of righteous people, he resides as soul in living beings, he provides contentment, he is eternal, he is the provider of permanent wealth, he is triumphant, he eradicates extreme fears and anxieties, his hands are in particular posture of Abhya and Varadha, he is mysterious/highly confidential, he represents region, command, directions etc..

Bharabhruth Kadhitho Yogi Yogeesha: Sarvakamadha: |Ashrama: Shramana: Kshama: Suparnno Vayuvaha: ||
Dhanurdharo Dhanurvedo Dhando Dhamayitha Dhama: |Aparajitha: Sarvasaho Niyantha Aniyamo Yama: ||
Sathvan Sathvika: Sathya: Sathya Dharma Parayana: |Abhipraya: Priyarho Arha: Priyakrith Preethivardhana: ||
Vihaya Sagathir Jyothi: Suruchir Huthabhugvibhu: |Ravir Virochana: Soorya: Savitha Ravilochana: ||
Anantho Huthabhug Bhoktha Sughadho Naikajograja: |Anirvinna: Sadhamarshi Lokadhishtanam Athbhudha: ||
Sanath Sanathanathama: Kapila: Kapirapyaya: |Swasthidha: Swasthikruth Swasthi Swasthibhuk Swasthi Dhakshina: ||
Aroundhra: Kundali Chakri Vikramyurjjitha Shasana: |Shabdhadhiga: Shabdhasaha: Shishira: Sharvarikara: ||
Akroora: Pesalo Dhaksho Dhakshina: Kshaminam Vara: |Vidhvaththamo Veethabhaya: Punya Sravana Keerthana: ||
Uththarano Dhushkrithiha Punyo Dhu:swapna Nashana: |Veeraha Rakshana: Santho Jeevana: Paryavasthitha: ||
Anantharoopo Ananthashri Jitha Manyur Bhayapaha: |Chathurashro Gabhirathma Vidhisho Vyadhisho Dhisha: ||

||Jai Sriman Narayana ||