Sunday 15 May 2016

Sashakthi Navakam – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, I shall earnestly request you to provide us knowledge in Veda, Shasthra, Purana, Ithihasa and various art forms.  Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, I shall earnestly request you to provide us profound knowledge in fourteen types of knowledge and sixty four art forms.  Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, I shall earnestly request you to provide us thorough knowledge in Meemamsa and various Shabdhashasthra.   Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, Oh! Jagannatha, oh! Sarvajjya, Oh! Parameshwara, I shall earnestly request you to provide us systematic knowledge in Ganithashasthra/Mathematics.  Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, I shall earnestly request you to provide us refined knowledge in the usage of words in all poems and prose we construct.  Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, Oh! Jagadheeshwara, I shall earnestly request you to reside permanently in our lotus like hearts, and destroy all our sins.   Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, I shall earnestly request you to eradicate all our sins committed in various births, hatred towards other creatures, sins which destroy our intellect etc…  Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, Oh! Vishweshwara who fulfills the desires of his passionate devotees, I shall earnestly request you to destroy our interests in worldly matters. Oh! Supreme Lord Shiva, Oh! Jagadheeshwara, who is decked in lustrous crescent moon on matted hair locks, I shall earnestly request you to provide us eternal wisdom and guide us through the path of salvation.

Whoever reads or listens to the glorious verses of Shashakthi Navakam would get all their desires fulfilled and achieve triumph in all endeavors.

Veda Shasthra Purana Ithihasa Kavya Kaladhishu | Vignanam Dhehi Me Vacham Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Chathur Dhashasu Vidhyasu Chathu: Shashti Kalasu Cha | Chathuram Dhiyamadhehi Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Meemamsayam Samasthayam Shabdha Shasthre  Visheshatha: |  Dhehi Me Deva ! Sambrajjam Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Ganitheshu Cha Sarvajja Dhehi Me Parameshwara ! Samyag Gnanam Jagannatha Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Sakaleshvapi Kavyeshu Sakalasu Kadhasu Cha | Sahithyam Dhehi Me Vacham Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Hridhayamboruhe Nithyam Vasa Me Jagadeeshwara | Hara Me Dhuritham Shashvath Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Janma Janmanthara Kritham Papam Buddher Jadyakaram Shiva | Jahi Janthushu Nindham Cha Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Vishayeshu Virakthim Cha Vividheshu Vidhehi Me | Vinatheshadha Vishwesha Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Mukthi Margam Param Chiththam Kuru Me Jagadheeshwara | Mugdha Chandhra Kala Chooda Aim Nama: Klim Shivaya Sou: ||

Ithyethan Navakam Nithyam Bhakthiyo Ya: Paden Nara: | Prarambhasmasya  Siddhyanthi Prarthithaschapi Siddhyathi ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||