Friday 20 November 2015

Mookapanchashathi !! Padharavindha Shathakam – Lyrics and meanings 11 – 20

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

|| Om Sri Kamakshyai Nama: ||

Oh! Janani, Oh! Kamakshi, who is decked in  red colored gem studded ear ornament which extends the ocean of radiance, your glorious lotus feet gives out the appearance of extreme penance in the middle of powerful water current of holy river Ganga, you are the ocean of mercy and the savior of the Universe.   Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, consort of Lord Thripurari who burnt the city of Thripura, your magnificent anklets   produces the sound which comforts whoever surrenders at your lotus feet; your lotus feet are the destroyer of Thamoguna and sins of your ardent devotees.  Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, consort of Lord Shiva, Oh! Mother of the Universe, whenever arguments arise during amorous sport Lord Parameshwara prostrates before you, he is decked in crescent moon on matted hair lock touches on your lotus feet, and in the same manner I earnestly pray that your glorious feet should provide me liberation from the cycles of birth and death.  Oh! Shive, Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, Lord Indra and deities yearn and constantly competes each other to get the touch of your lotus feet on their head, those glorious feet are capable to remove all the sins, I shall earnestly pray to purify me too.  Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, your glorious feet has the resemblance to fully blossomed hibiscus flower, all those female deities joyfully rushes towards you to prostrate before you,  they have long stretched hair locks which has the resemblance to dark clouds, the shine of your foot nails gives out the appearance of lightning.  Oh! Mother of the Universe, Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, your glorious lotus feet that has possessed Thrigunas/brilliance which is venerated by the pious who have no Raga or Dhvesha, it is surprising that your lotus feet are capable to provide salvation to your worshipper.  Oh! Janani , Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, your glorious feet has the brilliance of Lord Aditya during day break and blossoming lotus flower, just like Lord Aditya is the source for blossoming lotus flower, your magnificent feet provides eternal wisdom to the worshipper, therefore whoever worships your lotus feet would be blessed and it remove darkness of ignorance in the worshipper.  Oh! Shive,  Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, your glorious feet has the brilliance of Lord Aditya and it is the remover of darkness of ignorance and sins, it’s the delight to the mind of suffering people, and it is the cause for the stream of poetic skills.  Oh! Shive , Oh! Goddess Sri Kamakshi, I prostrate before your lotus feet, you are the essence of Shruthi and auspiciousness, you are serene, resides in the virtuous Brahmins.

Jadala Manjeera Spuradharuna Rathnamshu Nikarai: |
Nishidhanthi Madhye Nakharuchijari Ganga Payasam |
Jagathranum Karthum Janani Mama Kamakshi Niyatham |
Thascharyam Dhaththe Thava Charana Padhojayugali ||

Thulakodi Dhvadha Kvanitha Bhanitha Bheethi Vachaso : |
Vinamram Kamakshi Visrumaramaha: Padlithayo: |
Kshanam Vinyasena Kshapitha Thamasorme Lalithayo: |
Puniyamoordhanam Purahara Purandhri Charanayo: ||

Bhavani Dhruhyetham Bhavanibidithebhyo Mama Muhu: |
Thamo Vyamohebhyasthava Janani Kamakshi Charanou |
Yayorllaksha Binduspurana Dharana Dhoorjjadi Jada |
Kudeera Shonangam Vahathi Vapurenanga Kalika ||

Pavithri Kuryunna: Padhathalabhuva: Padalarucha: |
Paragasthe Papaprashamana Dhurina: Parashive |
Kanam Labdhum Yesham Nijashirasi Kamakshi Vivasha |
Valantho Vyathanvanthya Hamahamikam Vasavamukha: ||

Bala Kamalabhir Nakharuchimayibhi: Parivruthe |
Vinamraswarnari Vikachakacha Kalambudha Kule |
Spurantha: Kamamkshi Spudadhalita Bandooka Suhrudha: |
Thadillekhayanthe Thava Charana Padhoja Kirana: ||

Saraga: Sadhvesha: Prasrumara: Saroje Prathidhinam |
Nissargga Dhakramanvibudhajana Moordhanam Adhikam |
Kadhamkaram Matha: Kadhaya Padha Padma Sthava Satham |

Nathanam Kamakshi Prakadayathi Kaivalya Saranim ||

Japalakshmi Shono Janitha Paramagnana Nalini |
Vikasa Vyasango Viphalitha Jaga Jadyagarima |
Mana: Poorvadhri Me Thilakayathu Kamakshi Tharasa |
Thamas Kanda Dhrohi Thava Charana Padhoja Ramana: ||

Namas Koorma: Prenganmanikadaka Neelotpala Maha: |
Payodhou Ringadhbir Nakha Kirana Phenairdhdha Valithe |
Spudam Kurvvanaya Prabala Chala Dhourvanala Shikha |
Vitharkkam Kamakshya: Sathatham Arunimne Charanayo : ||

Shive Pashayetham Alaghuni Thama: Koopa Kuhare |
Dhinadheeshayetham Mama Hrudhaya Padhoja Vipine |
Nabho Masayetham Sarasa Kavitha Reethi Sarithi |
Thvadheeyou Kamakshi Prasrutha Kiranou Devi Charanou ||

Nishaktham Shruthyanthe Nayanamiva Sadh Vruthta Ruchirai: |
Samairjushtam Shuddhairadharamiva Ramyair Dvijaganai: |
Shive Vakshojanma Dhvithayamiva  Mukthashrithamume |
Thvadheeyam Kamakshi Pranatha Sharanam Noumicharanam ||

Jai Sriman Narayana !!